Name of the environmental zone:
Environmental Zone Düsseldorf – Germany
Date of entry into effect of the zone:
Type of environmental zone:
Not allowed to drive (temporarily):
Information currently unavailable
Not allowed to drive (permanently):
Vehicle class: car, motorhome (M1), bus (M2, M3), van (N1), truck (N2, N3)
Fuel type: all
Euronorm: 0-3 (diesel), 0 (petrol, LPG)
Sticker/registration/application: Entry only with sticker (green)
100 €
Area/extension of the environmental zone:
The environmental zone is delimited by following streets: Rheinkniebrücke, Rheinalleetunnel, Rheinallee, Werftstraße, Wiesenstraße*, Bahnlinie behind Wiesen- und Kopperstraße, city boundary until A 52 junction Büderich, A 52 AS Büderich*, To the north following the city boundary, Böhlerstraße*, Büdericher Straße, along the meadows of the river Rhine until B 7, Theodor-Heuss-Brücke, Rotterdamer Straße, Stockumer Kirchstraße, Weißdornstraße, Beckbuschstraße, Heymstraße, along the bath of Rhine, Stockumer Höfe until A 44*, A 44 ? A 52 until Theodorstraße/ junction Rath*, Theodorstraße including bordering access roads (e.g. ISS-Dome)*, Liliencronstraße until S-Bahn-Line*, S-Bahnline unitl city boundaryt to the north*, city boundary until Reichswaldallee, Reichswaldallee, along Aaper Wald Waldstraße until Fahneburgstraße, Ernst-Poensgen-Allee, Ludenberger Straße, Benderstraße*, Gerricusplatz*, Steinweg, Quadenhofstraße, Hagener Straße until S-Bahn line, along city boundary, then west to Rothenbergstraße zu (including Gödinghover Weg), along Stadtwald before Bezirkssportanlage to Vennhauser Allee, Vennhauser Allee, Am Kleinforst until A 46, A 46 until junction Holthausen*, Oerschbachstraße*, Halbuschstraße (access Henkel free, Werstener Friedhofstraße, Quadestraße until Ritastraße, along Henkel area to Bonner Straße, Bonner Straße, Münchener Straße*, junction Bilk*, Fleher Brücke until Fleher Deich*, Volmerswerther Deich, Volmerswerther Str. incluing bordering residential roads (e.g. Hellriegelstraße), east along South Cemetery, Räuscherweg, Völklinger Straße*, along S-Bahn line and Holzstraße*, Speditionsstraße, Parlamentsufer until Rheinkniebrücke.
The aforementioned streets form the outside limit of the environmental zone and they are – except the streets marked with a star ( * ) – part of the environmental zone. Access to the parking and logistic areas of Düsseldorf Messe and the parking and logistic areas of Düsseldorf airport remain through the streets that are not part of the environmental zone: A 44 / Am Staad/ Rotterdamer Str. until Messetor 1 ( Neue Messestraße ) and Stockumer Höfe until A 44 AS Stockum.
Special features:
Retrofitting allowed: yes (PM)
Contact of the environmental zone and exceptions:
Road and Traffic Authority: Phone: (+49) 211/89-91.
Doctor, Disabled vehicle, Fire brigade, Military, Mobile cranes, Vintage car older than 30 years, Police car and Ambulance