Name of the environmental zone:
Environmental Zone Berlin – Germany
Date of entry into effect of the zone:
Type of environmental zone:
Not allowed to drive (temporarily):
Information currently unavailable
Not allowed to drive (permanently):
Vehicle class: car, motorhome (M1), bus (M2, M3), van (N1), truck (N2, N3)
Fuel type: all
Euronorm: 0-3 (diesel), 0 (petrol, LPG)
Sticker/registration/application: Entry only with sticker (green)
100 €
Area/extension of the environmental zone:
The environmental zones encompasses the inner-city of Berlin which includes the area within the S-Bahn ring ( the dog's head ).
Special features:
Retrofitting allowed: yes (PM)
Contact of the environmental zone and exceptions:
Senate administration for environment, traffic and climate change: [email protected]; Phone: 030/9025-2341.
Doctor, Disabled vehicle, Fire brigade, Military, Mobile cranes, Vintage car older than 30 years, Police car and Ambulance