Name of the environmental zone:
Environmental Zone Freiburg in Breisgau – Germany
Date of entry into effect of the zone:
Type of environmental zone:
Not allowed to drive (temporarily):
Information currently unavailable
Not allowed to drive (permanently):
Vehicle class: car, motorhome (M1), bus (M2, M3), van (N1), truck (N2, N3)
Fuel type: all
Euronorm: 0-3 (diesel), 0 (petrol, LPG)
Sticker/registration/application: Entry only with sticker (green)
100 €
Area/extension of the environmental zone:
The environmental zone of Freiburg starts in the north at the height of Wildtal and extends in the south until St. Georgen. In the west it includes Mosswald and in the east Littenweiler and Ebnet.
Special features:
Retrofitting allowed: yes (PM)
Contact of the environmental zone and exceptions:
Garden and Civil Engineering Road and Traffic Authority: [email protected]; Telefon: 0761/201-4657.
Doctor, Disabled vehicle, Fire brigade, Military, Mobile cranes, Vintage car older than 30 years, Police car and Ambulance