Name of the environmental zone:
Environmental Zone Erfurt – Germany
Date of entry into effect of the zone:
Type of environmental zone:
Not allowed to drive (temporarily):
Information currently unavailable
Not allowed to drive (permanently):
The low emission zone has no longer been active since 07.05.2021. Currently, everyone is allowed to drive in again.
100 €
Area/extension of the environmental zone:
The environmental zone encompasses major parts of the city delimited by the following streets: Straße der Nationen, Mittelhäuser Straße, Dieselstraße, Am Kühlhaus, Am alten Nordhäuser Bahnhof, Am Herrenberg, Kranichfelder Straße, Werner -Seelenbinder-Straße, Alfred-Hess-Straße, Hannoversche Straße.
Special features:
Retrofitting allowed: yes (PM)
Contact of the environmental zone and exceptions:
Road and traffic authority of the city administration Erfurt at the civil engineering and traffic department: [email protected]; Phone: 0361/655-4339.
Doctor, Disabled vehicle, Fire brigade, Military, Mobile cranes, Vintage car older than 30 years, Police car and Ambulance